Model Portfolios  

MPS comparison service partners with Intelliflo

MPS comparison service partners with Intelliflo
Lawrence Cook CEO of Mabel Insights. (Carmen Reichman/FT Adviser)

A model portfolio comparison service has partnered with technology provider Intelliflo to make life easier for advisers. 

Mabel Insights, launched by a former director of Thesis Asset Management, is now accessible to all Intelliflo customers. 

Chief executive, Lawrence Cook, said: “By facilitating a free two-way flow of data, we will make advisers' lives easier.

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“The ability to re-use data rather than re-key has to be the way forward, and this development, we believe, will be well received by users.”

The free service compares model portfolios and multi asset funds and provides analysis on more than 80 discretionary fund managers. 

This covers more than 1,000 model portfolios which are risk-rated by the company.

Cook, a former director at Thesis, said to date access to information for advisers has been “piecemeal”. 

He added: “We felt the time was right to provide a service that really delivers what advisers need, and our early adopters in trials have given us great feedback, which tells us we are delivering exactly that.”

Intellifo CEO, Nick Eastock, welcomed the partnership which he called an “important step in the right direction” to make financial advisers’ lives easier. 

Mabel Insights has promised to hold all the information advisers need on DFMs for their due diligence, CIP research and client specific reports, in one place.

In practice, Cook previously explained, this meant being able to quickly compare and contrast a list of providers based on criteria such as active versus passive or blended.

The tool will also allow advisers to compare MPSs on price, while recognising that individual firms will have negotiated their own fee with the DFM.


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