
Time for a clearer definition of multi-asset investing

This article is part of
Multi-Asset - November 2014

The point is that by putting all these funds into the same sectors, advisers and their clients can focus on the risk-adjusted returns, net of all fees, on an even playing field.

Perhaps then they can identify value over price and the ability of a manager to meet objectives, rather than being distracted by multiple approaches to the same end.

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David Coombs is head of multi-asset investments at Rathbones

“It could be argued that funds should be bunched by investment objectives, not  by investment style”

Key figures

£217m: Net retail sales of the IMA Mixed Investment 40-85% Shares sector in September 2014, making it the third best-selling sector

£100.5m: Net retail sales of mixed asset, which was the third best-selling asset class in September this year

Source: Investment Management Association

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