
Aligning risk throughout the client decumulation journey

  • Explain the difference between assessing risk in decumulation versus accumulation
  • Understand the need to align investment risk with the appropriate income risk for clients in decumulation
  • Identify suitable financial planning tools for use in retirement income advice

By using tools that measure risk to income, rather than risk to capital, it is easier to stress test the proposed investment solution and assess suitability against the client’s risk profile and objectives. 

For instance, when thinking about a low-risk income solution for retirement, an annuity is the obvious answer. However, the inflexibility of an annuity purchase may put people off buying one at the start of their retirement.

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Using cash flow modelling and realistic forecasts will make it easier to compare the benefits of buying an annuity, using drawdown or taking a blended approach to achieve the client’s objectives within their risk appetite.

Even if an annuity is decided against at the outset, the comparison can easily be repeated at regular income reviews to see if the attractions of annuities outweigh drawdown as the client ages.

The FCA will probably continue to pay close attention to the assessment of risk in retirement, stating in a recent “Dear CEO” letter to advice companies that it is “following up the findings of the thematic review and with firms and carrying out further work to explore the scale of any issues identified and tackle any harms”.

Many low to medium-risk retirees today are using investments for drawing an income that exceeds their risk tolerance, exposing them to potential financial harm, with few options to recover from serious losses.

Companies need to use the appropriate tools to assess the client’s income risk profile and make sure the output from the questionnaire is mapped to suitable income drawdown solutions in a reliable way.

By ensuring that risk remains aligned throughout the decumulation journey, advisers can be sure of meeting the needs of both the regulator and their clients. 

Chet Velani is managing director of EV


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What is one of the concerns the FCA highlighted in its review of retirement income advice?

  2. According to Chet Velani, why is income sustainability generally more important in decumulation?

  3. Given that the FCA’s thematic review of retirement income advice further emphasises advisers’ obligations to ensure suitability and avoid foreseeable harm, what does the author say should be seen as central to the decumulation advice process?

  4. The thematic review found flaws in the assumptions used by many companies it reviewed. In response, it set out points for companies to consider when preparing and using a cash flow model. Which of the following is the odd one out?

  5. When it comes to cash flow planning, what are the benefits of a robustly constructed stochastic model?

  6. To assess properly the attitude to risk of people in decumulation, what is the sort of question that is needed?

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You should now know…

  • Explain the difference between assessing risk in decumulation versus accumulation
  • Understand the need to align investment risk with the appropriate income risk for clients in decumulation
  • Identify suitable financial planning tools for use in retirement income advice

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