Fraudsters are sending fakes emails claiming to be from Companies House, the government body is warning.
Companies House said some of its customer had received fraudulent emails about company complaints.
They are sent from email addresses complaints@companies-house-gov.uk or noreply@cpgov.uk, neither of which are affiliated with the organisation.
The emails, which feature the Companies House logo, tell the receiver a complaint has been submitted about their business.
Companies House said anyone who receives such a message should forward it to phishing@companieshouse.gov.uk as soon as possible and should not open any attachments.
Caroline Shaw, head of asset management at Courtiers Wealth Management, said: "We are aware of increasingly sophisticated scams targeting our clients and, in all cases, advise clients to exercise extreme care when receiving emails, particularly those with links, attachments or requesting further information.
"It’s good to see Companies House warning its customers but the scammers are always one step ahead so the only defence is vigilance and a healthy dose of scepticism."